BioXeco 5S

BioXeco 5S is a broadly applicable surface disinfectant based on an aqueous solution of 5% stabilized hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Due to its unique formulation, BioXeco 5S is highly effective against different types of disease-causing agents and meets the highest EN disinfection standards for bactericides, fungicides and virucides.

  • 500 mL
  • 5 KG
Contact us
  • No-rinse_application
    No-rinse application
  • Effective_bactericide_fungicide_sporicide_virucide
    Effective bactericide, fungicide, sporicide & virucide
  • Clinically_proven_action
    Clinically proven action

Additionally, this ready-to use disinfectant is colourless, odourless and leaves no residu, making it ideally suited for disinfection of a wide range of surfaces in healthcare environments. The product is suitable for disinfection of surfaces, floors, walls and materials in health care (public and private hospitals, dental clinics,…).


  • Efficient bacteride, fungicide & virucide
  • Proven efficacy against coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-2)
  • Can be used for spraying and immersion
  • No harmful byproducts
  • Ready-to-use solution
  • Free of chlorine and alcohol
  • Biodegradable*
  • Odourless, colourless and non-corrosive at usage levels

*Biodegradability: BioXeco 5S is biodegradable due to its decomposition into oxygen and water (in accordance with AFNOR T 73-260 directives).

At the forefront in Medical Support

Application area

Healthcare workers may contaminate their hands and/or gloves by touching contaminated environmental surfaces, and this can result in transmission to patients. BioXeco can reduce the risk of cross-contamination.