Roam Technology & BB ZIX – Livestock Solutions
A growing threat from emerging and endemic diseases to livestock, coupled with targets to reduce antibiotic use, has led to the integration of a leading biosecurity and animal health firm into Roam Technology.
We’ve recently integrated Biocidas Biodegradables Zix (BBZix), a Spanish specialist in biosecurity and livestock nutritional performance solutions, into our business. This strategic move creates a broader range of biodegradable hygiene and nutritional solutions to safeguard animal health and productivity. By combining expertise and innovation, the integration enables Roam Technology to deliver a more comprehensive, science-driven approach to disease prevention. This lead to the creation of our new business line “Livestock Solutions”, with Zix as brand name.
This integration strengthens our ability to offer farmers a toolkit to protect their animals and businesses. Our growing range of state of the art cleaning, disinfectant, and performance solutions, backed by a large veterinary team and expert field force, means we are well-positioned to help livestock farmers tackle disease risks more effectively, supporting farm resilience and productivity.
You can find an overview of our Livestock Solutions products here. For more detailed information on our products and their application, please contact your designated Roam Technology contact person or fill in our contact form.