The strict measures imposed by the government mean that hospitals and institutions must receive a deep cleaning and final disinfection in all departments before they can resume normal operation. The chief nurse of the residential care center testifies: “It was at that moment that we found the right partner in Roam Technology, who offered their total one stop solution with the Huwa-San Fogger, a nebulizer disinfection device to disinfect rooms. This method not only proved to be safe, but it was also efficient and effective. The portable Huwa-San Fogger devices proved to be practical in size and easy to handle, without noise or odour nuisance.”

The Huwa-San Fogger rushes to the rescue in Belgian residential care center

Roam Technology was always available to guide us through the process, they really took the time to map out the problem in detail
Head nurse at Belgian residential care center

“Roam Technology was always available to guide us through the process, they really took the time to map out the problem in detail,” he continues. “We were provided with the necessary theoretical and technical explanations about the application of the Huwa-San Fogger, and they helped us think about the practical implementation. With the help of a disinfection schedule, the Huwa-San Fogger ensured that the disinfection process of all areas could take place as quickly as possible.”
“With the fogging system, all materials, spaces and surfaces were tackled at once. It was a nice feeling to see a department evolve from an infected to a safe zone within the span of a few hours. This ensured that the situation could normalize swiftly and that our residents could reconnect with each other and their families more quickly. It also meant a lower workload for our employees and fewer protective and safety measures. We are grateful to Roam Technology and the Huwa-San Fogger for helping us in these difficult times”, concluded the satisfied head nurse.