Huwa-San TR-50

Huwa-San TR-50 is a unique biodegradable disinfectant that meets the highest EN disinfection standards for bactericides, fungicides and virucides. This powerful and high quality disinfectant is stable and broadly applicable.

  • 25 KG
  • vat roam
    240 KG
  • ibc roam
    1200 KG
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  • Advanced_water_hygiene
    Advanced water hygiene
  • Proven_against_biofilms
    Proven against biofilms
  • Biodegradable
  • Effective_bactericide_fungicide_virucide
    Effective bactericide, fungicide & virucide
  • Superior_stability
    Superior stability

Huwa-San is the recommended product for disinfection of drinking water and process water. It has proven itself as a qualitative and effective water treatment product in a very broad array of industries, such as the food and beverage industry, the paper industry, automotive sector, …

Thanks to its unique stabilisation method, Huwa-San retains its power throughout the entire water system. Moreover, Huwa-San has proven itself time and time again in removing biofilm and controlling important pathogens, such as Legionella, Pseudomonas and E. coli in the water system.


  • Effective bactericide, fungicide & virucide
  • Removes and prevents biofilm
  • Prevents the spread of pathogens
  • Effective Legionella control
  • Prevents algae growth
  • Biodegradable*, splits in water and oxygen
  • No harmful by-products
  • Free of chlorine and alcohol
  • Improves water palatability
  • No odour, no taste, no colour
  • Long lasting and controlled effect
  • Quickly and easily measurable
  • Easy to apply with convential dosing systems




*Biodegradable and certified by:


Application area

  • Treatment of the entire watering system. In industrial applications the watering system can have different purposes: water as raw material, to make a product (beer brewing, drinking water,..), where water is used as a solvent, where water is used for transport, cooling water, ..
  • Disinfection of surfaces, tools and equipment.
  • Disinfection of empty rooms, walls & floors by fogging.

Discover our technology

Our procedure of combining hydrogen peroxide and the silver stabiliser is unique worldwide and based on the original Huwa-San technology, which was further developed at Roam Technology over the last 20 years.

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